When it comes to achieving the body and fitness they want and deserve, too many women still think they need to follow the old adage of “Eat Less, Move More”… or how about “No Pain, No Gain”.  At The Body Retreat, we cringe when we hear these terms… because they sound so austere, so dull…dare I say it .. so masculine!!

We have always maintained that a women’s path to the body and fitness they want is different from men.  Not only is our physiology different, our hormones and emotions also play a part in our success as well.

That’s why at The Body Retreat along with our three core pillars of Behavior, Nutrition and Exercise we value R&R… in our case R & R stands for Relaxation and Regeneration.  So much is made of the need to do more, achieve more, be more… without R & R this can begin to take its toll.

We believe that the way to not only lose weight, but to maintain a healthy weight for life is to enjoy yourself, have fun, while at the same time take care of yourself.  Your body is not a machine, it’s your home and so it is important to value it.  We believe that this taking care of yourself works from the inside out but also from the outside in.  What you put in your body matters, but so too what you put on your body.

That’s why we are delighted to be partnering with Mama Mio Skincare because they offer perfect skincare products for women who are looking for fit skin for life.   Whether your skin concern, is cellulite, stretch marks or dry skin or perhaps you have started to notice that bits of you are not quite as tight as they used to be, Mama Mio have products that fit the bill.

In The Body Retreat office we have been testing the product range for a couple of months now (our favorites are Boob Tube and Lucky Legs …you can draw your own conclusions as to who is using what!!) and can report that what we love about these products is that they really work.  A little goes a long way, they smell divine but not too strong and so don’t compete with your own perfume or fragrance.  Another huge plus point for us is their NO NASTIES policy that their skincare will never have petrolatum, parabens, SLS, xenoestrogens, pthlalates, synthetic fragrances, artificial colourants.

From February 2014 we will be gifting Mama Mio hospitality products to all our guests on weeklong residential retreats, and we will also be introducing their wonderful spa treatments on selected retreats.  At The Body Retreat we have always looked to balance the hard work of our varied programmes with R&R, that’s why all our retreats have spa facilities, why we offer complimentary treatments, why we make sure our retreat locations are of the highest standards so that our guests can relax and regenerate at the end of a busy day. Mama Mio products and treatments are the prefect partners for our R&R programme.

Like Mama Mio we share a common mission in that we want to encourage women to regain confidence in their bodies, whatever their age, shape or weight.  When you feel good about yourself you glow, and when you begin to feel that glow your confidence soars.

So whether you are looking to maintain your motivation while you lose weight or to reward yourself for all your handwork, then remember to include some R& R in your life.

Fit skin, healthy body, calm mind.  Now that is a maxim worth adopting we think :-)




Conscious Cooking

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We understand that choosing to join us at The Body Retreat is not an impulse investment and that many women have questions or even concerns about if we are the right partner for them.  So we are more than happy to jump on a quick call and answer any questions you may have.


  1. katie 16 December 2013 at 20:13 - Reply

    Love the idea of R&R – especially at this time of the year. After loosing 2 stone I have quite a few bits which aren’t as tight as they used to be (tummy and legs). Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing:) x

    • Body Retreat 17 December 2013 at 20:46 - Reply

      Well done Katie on losing that 2 stone, thats a great achievement xx

  2. Laetitia 16 December 2013 at 22:32 - Reply

    This is a fantastic approach, may be with an another R as a precursor… which would stand for Respect yourself, your feelings and your body.

    Definitly something I have learnt and live with you ladies! 1 stone after my first bootcamp end of April :-)

    • Body Retreat 17 December 2013 at 20:47 - Reply

      Love it Laetitia, Relaxation, Regeneration and Respect yourself…might have to pinch that :-)

  3. Wendy 17 December 2013 at 14:07 - Reply

    The Body Retreat’s approach has always worked for me. Every time I visit this site and every time I go to a retreat I learn something new. Most of all I have learned that I need to look after ME. By looking after me I also look after the one’s I love.
    A little bit of R & R looks after everyone!

    • Body Retreat 17 December 2013 at 20:48 - Reply

      If there is one person i know i can rely on to “be kind to themselves” its Wendy Warrior of Wellness. xxxx

  4. Kerry Harrison 17 December 2013 at 14:56 - Reply

    A fab company for you to partner with – very exciting! I have extremely sensitive skin and have to be very careful about what I put on it, so it’s always a big bonus to find a product range that isn’t full of un-natural nasties! Here’s to R & R and looking after our bodies in every way.

  5. leah finch 17 December 2013 at 15:10 - Reply

    Looked at the website over the years and always think how fab it all looks and how great it would be to get involved.. This is great blog and especially like the ‘When you feel good about yourself you glow,..total agree..
    thanks for the competition..

  6. Emma 17 December 2013 at 16:01 - Reply

    I found the Lucky Legs cooling gel invaluable when i was heavily pregnant, a friend recommended it to me and i’ve since passed on the recommendation to others :-)

  7. Lucy 17 December 2013 at 16:14 - Reply

    Sounds great – i have extremely sensitive skin so any product without nasties is great. The Body Retreat girls have taught me both the need and enjoyment of exercise as well as R and R. Thanks

  8. rachel hill 17 December 2013 at 19:14 - Reply

    no nasties-I like that and we should apply that to not being nasty to ourselves-us ladies are far too harsh on ourselves at times!

  9. Sophie Bird 17 December 2013 at 20:55 - Reply

    I’ve just discovered your site this evening and it is very interesting and inspiring. I’ll definitely be back.

  10. Amanda 17 December 2013 at 22:46 - Reply

    Fabulous new website btw! Really informative article, always good to be reminded of how important R&R is :-)

  11. Catherine Hood 18 December 2013 at 10:05 - Reply

    R & R one of the most important things definitely! Especially in our house as the Mr has always had to have R & R from his tours :) Bodies should be our temple :)

  12. Catherine Hood 18 December 2013 at 10:34 - Reply

    I’m all for some R n R :)

  13. Ceri 18 December 2013 at 13:24 - Reply

    Can’t beat a bit of R & R, which is exactly what I intend to do this xmas. One mince pie = 1 long walk!

  14. catherine 18 December 2013 at 13:32 - Reply

    RNR is essential! :) After all we should treat out bodies like temples

    • Body Retreat 18 December 2013 at 15:07 - Reply

      Not so sure about all these “temples” ;-) after all as we say at The Body Retreat, “Every thing in Moderation…including Moderation”!!

      So no need to strive for temple perfection, just moderate, kind and above all guilt free xx

  15. Mary 18 December 2013 at 15:55 - Reply

    I am 73 years old and young at heart. These beauty products will help me feel my heartfelt age. Fingers crossed – it could be me!!!

  16. Body Retreat 19 December 2013 at 08:40 - Reply

    Well done to Kerry Harrison

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