We’re now well and truly into winter, the temperature has dropped, wind and rain seem to be a permanent feature. When it comes to finding a healthy lunch option salad doesn’t seem so appealing. It’s time to bring on some soup! It may surprise you to hear that not only are soups a great option nutritionally, but certain types of soup have also been proven to help support weight loss.

In particular, vegetable-based soups are a great option as they combine a high nutrient density with a low energy density – this means that we get lots of key nutrients including vitamins and minerals for relatively few calories. Increasingly, research has revealed that consuming soup improves satiety (the feeling of fullness at the end of a meal) so that we eat less which is great for weight loss.

These soups are easy to make, easy to digest, low on calories, relatively inexpensive to make, are filled with fibre, nutrients, vitamins and because of the high water content can add towards your daily water intake.

We like to keep things simple here at The Body Retreat and never more so than when it comes to recipes, no one has the time or the inclination to prepare complex or long winded meals, not unless its a special occasion.  So these soup recipes are simplicity itself, all you need is one pot and a knife and nothing needs finely chopping you can make these soups as rustic as you like.

We would love to hear why your favourite Veg Soup Recipes are, or perhaps you would like us to help you to make a favourite soup healthier, pls leave us a comment below.

All soups serve 4.

Winter Vegetable Soup

1 onion chopped
2 sticks celery chopped
2 carrots chopped
1 courgette chopped
1/2 small white cabbage finely sliced
1 cup frozen peas
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 ltr Veg stock
Handful fresh basil and parsley

Fresh ground black pepper and a drizzle of virgin rapeseed oil to serve.

Place all the ingredients except the cabbage and peas in a pan and bring to a simmer for about 10 mins.

Add the cabbage and simmer for another couple of minutes, then finally add the frozen peas.

Just before you are ready to serve stir through the chopped fresh herbs and season with black pepper and drizzle the oil.

Celeriac & Apple Soup

1 tbps Rapeseed oil
1 large celeriac, peeled and chopped
2 onions, sliced
2 stick celery, chopped
2 large apples, peeled and chopped
1 ltr veg stock

Heat the oil, then sauté the onions and celery over a medium heat until soft but not browned.
Add the chopped celeriac apple and cook for 10 mins. Then add the stock and reduce to a low simmer for 15/20 mins.
Transfer the soup to a blender and blitz to a smooth consistency. Season and serve.
If the soup is a little too thick you can let it down by adding a little unsweetened pure apple juice.

Tomato & Chickpea Soup

1 onion
1 red onion
2 stick celery
1 can good quality chopped tomatoes
1 ltr vegetable stock
1/2 chickpeas, drained
1/2 ts dried chilli flakes
Salt & Pepper

Add all the vegetables to a pot and add the stock, simmer on a low heat for 10 mins. Add the tomatoes, chickpeas and dried chilli flakes and continue to cook for a further 15 mins. Transfer the soup to a blender and blitz to a smooth consistency, season and serve.

Conscious Cooking

Cook Books available on amazon

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  1. Kate Harris 26 January 2014 at 09:19 - Reply

    Tumeric , garlic and ginger are well known for their healing properties and can easily be incorporated into your soup recipes…I would add 1/4tsp of turmeric or ginger powder(or preferably grate a little fresh ginger) and a clove of garlic crushed to most of my soup recipes recipes…..and a stick blender at around £4 from most supermarkets is great in place of a liquidiser and easier to wash up!

    • Body Retreat 28 January 2014 at 16:07 - Reply

      Kate thanks for sharing your top tips to make these soups even better… I’m totally with you on grated fresh ginger, may try that this weekend on our next day camp lunch :-)

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