Would you choose a Fly & Flop Holiday or a Healthy Holiday for Women?

This week sees the official start of British Summertime and so naturally our thoughts begin to turn to holidays, taking time off work and getting away from it all for a week or so.

If you live in the UK then it’s quite understandable as our weather is so unpredictable…sunny one day and hurricanes the next.  Everything feels easier when you feel the sun on your skin, your mood is lifted and your feeling of wellbeing just seems naturally higher.

The Danger of A Fly & Flop Holiday

Did you know that it is estimated that the average British women gains 8lbs on her annual vacation!!  That is a dress size!!!

It’s a shocking statistic, but you can understand how easily it can happen…the lure of the cocktail bar, the all you can eat buffet, the ice cream sundaes.  Not to mention that the height of your activity may be walking to your poolside lounger. Ok ..there may also be some cardio in the form of some retail therapy and maybe even a spot of dancing of an evening.

The reality is that the Fly & Flop Holiday can be dangerous to your waistline and long term wellbeing.

What Is The Alternative?

If you want to enjoy some sunshine, have some time to recharge your batteries…your holidays are about having time for you.

But what if there were a sunny healthy holiday for womennwhere you actually returned home a dress size smaller than when you arrived, where you get off the plane feeling energised, reinvigorated and motivated?  Even better is that the good feelings don’t fade after just a few hours back at your desk…but somehow seem to keep going.

The Body Retreat has been working with busy professional women since 2011 on a range of residential retreats in the UK and we kept hearing the same stories.  Women who are so busy that they really need time off the hamster wheel, they need a week when they are not looking after everyone else, a week when they can recharge their batteries, catch up on their sleep, read that book they have wanted to finish for months.

Now of course if they wanted an activity holiday they could take themselves off trekking up Matcha Picchu, or cycle around the Alps..but really that seems like a bit too much hard work.

If they wanted to shed some quick weight there are plenty of Bootcamps in the sun….but up to 10 hours a day of being grunted at by big burly military trainers is not their cup of tea.

So that leaves a Spa Getaway.. days of relaxation, indulging in spa treatments and maybe a spot of light yoga or a short guided walk…but that sounds wonderful for a couple of days but a whole week might send them round the twist.



A Healthy Holiday Designed By Women For Women

That was when we came up with our Health & Fitness Holiday… it does exactly what it says on the tin..a holiday that improves your health and fitness. It’s a healthy holiday for women.

So first is was important to have an amazing venue.  We pride ourselves on having venues that are not the run of the mill holiday villa or part of a complex.  Can you image going on a retreat holiday and sharing a pool with families, or being bused out to use a local gym.  That probably says more about me than it does anyone else..but I’m a private person and when I retreat I want to retreat away from the masses.  So off the beaten track for us. A private cotijo in the Andalusian foothills where the drive from the main road is about a mile long.  Seclusion, peace and quiet.  Bliss.

Next holidays are all about the food aren’t they???  Who wants to go on holiday to be fed meagre diet food.  How miserable would that be!  Food is meant to be enjoyed not endured.. so our menu is inspired by Spanish and North African cuisine but all the dishes have been given The Body Retreat treatment and are clean and healthy and nutritiously balanced.  So this means that you can enjoy local dishes and even a cheeky glass of Sangria and still shed the unnecessary weight.

So far so good… but what about exercise.  Health & Fitness Holiday sounds like it’s going to be full on.  On the contrary, our healthy holiday is all about balance.  Yes, we do start our days with a Wake Up Workout, we like to exercise when it’s cool and before your brain comes up with any excuses not to.  Just get it done and set yourself up for a good day. We spend our mornings walking the local hills and villages of this unspoilt and very untouristy side of Spain.  Back in time for a pre-lunch dip in the pool to refresh yourself and then after lunch, it’s siesta time.  Top up your tan by the pool, read a book in a shady garden spot or even catch a few Zzzzz’s.  It’s your choice.  We have and afternoon schedule that might include stretching, boxing, pilates etc etc…but it is all optional.  It’s your holiday…it’s your choice.

the body retreat spain

To help you to achieve that sense of relaxation and balance we even include a complimentary massage treatment and a group Hypnotherapy Relaxation. We believe that a healthy holiday for women should leave her feeling balanced and renewed…not broken down and ragged so this is very important part of our Health & Fitness Holiday.


Ok so we are biased…but we feel that we have ticked all the boxes with our Healthy Holiday for women.

We take a maximum of 10 women on our Healthy Holiday so you won’t be lost in the crowd but nor will you be lost for good company.   So if this sound like your kind of holiday then get in touch.


Right now we have a Special Offer for our Andalusian Healthy Holiday for women starting on Saturday 13th May 2017.  Contact Us Now and Quote Tan & Tone Blog to get up to £500 off your Health & Fitness Holiday.



Conscious Cooking

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We understand that choosing to join us at The Body Retreat is not an impulse investment and that many women have questions or even concerns about if we are the right partner for them.  So we are more than happy to jump on a quick call and answer any questions you may have.

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