I use rapeseed oil but you can use any oil, go for a more neutral flavoured oil, olive oil can be quite bitter tasting.

You can flavour your mayonnaise, I like to add minced garlic and fresh herbs such a chives. I always add mustard, lemon and white wine vinegar but adjust these to your taste. You do need some accidity to balance the flavours but that can be any vinegar or just lemon.

Placing the bowl on a damp tea towel will stop the bowl from moving and allow you to whisk with one hand and pour oil with the other.

The key is to add the oil slowly so the mayonnaise doesn’t split. If it does you can sometimes bring it back together with a drop of water. You may not need all the oil, it depends on the size of your egg yolks. Take the mayonnaise to a consistency you are happy with.

Method for mayonnaise:

  1. Place egg yolks in a clean bowl on a damp tea towel and add a pinch of salt, whisking for 30 seconds to denature eggs.
  2. Slowly add the oil. You can either add the oil in a slow steady stream or add a small bit at a time, making sure to whisk in all the oil before adding more.
  3. Once the mayonnaise is a consistency you are happy with or you have used all the oil add the mustard, lemon juice and vinegar, whisking after each addition. Check the seasoning and add more if needed.
  4. Keep in the fridge and use within 3 days.

Alternatively you can use a kitchen mixer but be careful to add the oil nice and slow as it’s more likely to split.

Conscious Cooking

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  1. Paula Stevens-Hoare 16 September 2019 at 16:02 - Reply

    This is easy and tastes great. It even gives your whisking arm a little workout. Perfect!

    • Abernet 20 September 2019 at 07:17 - Reply

      Hi Paula,

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love making mayonnaise when I have the time and yes it’s also great for your arms!!

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