Avocado spinach salsa is a great with scrambled eggs or scrambled tofu, as an afternoon snack or dolloped on the side of a spicy tomato stew. The spinach in this recipe makes this salsa rich in fibre and helps keep the lovely vibrant green colour. I’ve chosen all green vegetables for this dish apart from the jalapeno for a fleck of colour, you can use red or green peppers.

I love the flavours of fresh coriander and lime so have included plenty in this dish. If your not a big lime fan omit the lime zest but the juice will also help to stop the avocado from discolouring.

As always with these dishes add the seasoning to your taste, more spice, less coriander, maybe lemon instead of lime.

Serves 4

2 avocados

1 spring onion

1/2 green pepper

1 handful of fresh spinach

1-2 slices of red pickled jalapeno

1 lime

Small handful of fresh coriander

Method for Avocado Spinach Salsa:

  1. Dice the avocado, pepper and spring onions into small chunks. Add half the lime zest and all the juice and mix well.
  2. Chop through spinach, coriander and jalapeno.
  3. Mix together, add salt and pepper, then taste for seasoning.
  4. The lime juice should help the avocado from discolouring and will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Conscious Cooking

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