This weeks recipe is a tartine (open sandwich) with roasted beetroot, goats curd and rye sourdough. At the body retreat we use sourdough as the long fermentation process makes it an easier bread to digest. We also think about flour and choose sourdough bread that use rye, spelt or heritage grains. Your local artisan baker will be able to tell you what flours go into their breads, be careful at the supermarket as there’s no legislation for what a sourdough loaf should be. A bread may have commercial yeast, additives, even sourdough flavourings and still be called sourdough.

I love roasted beetroot and this is my go to recipe when I have some leftover beetroots from my veg box. It’s a quick way of preserving the beetroot for an extra week and infuse some flavour without having to pickle them. It works fine even if the beetroot have go a little soft. The red wine vinegar adds a hint of tartness without being too strong a vinegar flavour. Experiment with the spices, I’ve chosen coriander as it’s a great pairing to the rye bread. Caraway, fennel and even cumin work well – use what you have in your store cupboard.

I’m using goats curd in this recipe but a soft goats cheese or cottage cheese will work equally well.

I have chosen a dark rye sourdough with sprouted rye and sunflower seeds. If you have plain rye you you can add some toasted seeds on top of the beetroot for more texture.

Roasted Beetroot:

5 beetroot (medium size)

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

1/2 orange

3 sprigs of thyme

1/2 tsp coriander seeds

To serve:

2 slices rye toast

Goats curd

1 tbsp sauerkraut

Fresh chives

Handful of rock leaves (or other salad leaves)

Toasted seeds (optional)

Method for Roasted Beetroot:

  1. Pre heat the oven to 180C.
  2. Peel the beetroot and place in a cast iron pot or roasting dish. Pour over red wine vinegar along with 4 tbsp of water, the juice of half an orange, thyme sprigs, coriander seeds and season well. Cover tightly, either with a lid or foil, and roast for about an hour until the beetroots are tender. Check half way through cooking and baste the beetroots in the liquid.
  3. Leave to cool. Then slice into 1cm rounds.

To serve spread the goats curd on the rye toast, top with sliced beetroot then fresh chives and toasted seeds (if using).

This roasted beetroot recipe makes 4 servings and will last in the fridge for up to a week. Try using the roasted beetroot can in our quinoa salad recipe or on top of our kale, beetroot hummus and lentil salad.

Conscious Cooking

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