Don’t let the heat side-track your exercise goals!

At last it seems that summer has arrived,  it’s seriously scorching outside this week.  Whilst it’s tempting to hide from the heat and lounge in the shade, you still want to maintain your health and fitness goals.

Stay healthy with these summer exercise tips from our fitness guru Julie Brealy:

  • Hydration is the word of the day. Whether you’re a runner or just taking a brisk walk, drink water to retain fluid and stay cool. You need to be drinking at least 1.5 litres per day while it’s this hot!
  • It’s all fun and games until you’re sidelined by heat exhaustion. Listen to your body and know your limits; watch out for nausea, dizziness, or an increase in body temperature.
  • Watch the weather; exercise before temperatures spike – early mornings and evenings are the coolest!  You could also opt for indoor activities on days when it’s too hot.
  • Be a shade seeker.  Is there a park or wood near you, seek out the shade where possible as being out in direct sun can increase dehydration.
  • Shed dark, heavy cotton clothes for light, breathable clothing that wicks away sweat and reflects the sun. It’s a great opportunity to wear some hot colours to match the weather.
  • Did you know that there are still hundreds of open air swimming pools or lidos in the UK? So if you’re are a water baby take it outside this summer to give your training a boost.  Swimming is a great way to tone up and burn off those calories whilst staying cool as the temperature rises.
  • Save yourself from sunspots, wrinkles and sunburn— get a baseball cap, use sunscreen and exercise away from direct sunlight.

Go ahead — pull on your swimsuit, throw on running shoes, or just get out in the local park for a game of catch with the kids — enjoy the hazy days of summer before winter rolls around too soon as these days are just a memory!

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