Is a comfy seat in front of the TV calling your name this autumn?

The nights are starting to draw in, there is a slight but definite chill in the air, Autumn is here but it definitely feels like Winter is is on its way.

Autumn is a transitional time of year. The leaves on the trees change, it becomes darker earlier, and the temperatures cool down.  The kids settle back into school routine and the thought of settling down on the sofa in front of the TV seems a welcome change from those busy summer months.  It feels like time to hibernate.

But after being active during the long bright evenings are you afraid all your efforts to stay fit and healthy over the summer months will be lost?

Shorter days and lack of sunshine reduce our body’s production of serotonin, a hormone-like substance that promotes feelings of relaxation and happiness.

A natural reaction to this is that we start to eat more carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes and rice that help to raise serotonin levels. With our bodies naturally craving starchier ‘comfort’ food, and the lure of the sofa in the evenings  it’s easy to pile on the pounds as the weather turns colder.

But autumn doesn’t have to mean adding inches to your waistline.

Below are our Top Autumn Fitness Tips. So no need to be tempted by the sofa’s hiberantion call!!

Head to the Hills and Trails

Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of year for getting outside. Find some local parks or trails to walk, run or ride a bike and take in the view of changing leaves.

Turn Garden Jobs into a Workout

Autumnal colour on the trees is lovely, but when those chilly winds blow and they are all over your lawn, it feel like a different story.  BUT….Raking leaves or clearing the garden can burn around 150 calories every 30 minutes.

Exercise Early in the Day

Try to work out in the morning or during the day. Particularly when the clocks changing and it becoming darker earlier, it can feel as if it is later in the day than it really is. This can make people more tired than usual. Getting into a routine of working out early will guarantee the workout gets done and still allow time in the afternoons and evenings to relax.

Vary Activities

As the weather cools down and summer ends, it can become difficult to stay motivated.  This is the time of year when gyms and studios put on their winter timetable so its a great time to try a variety of different activities to help keep a fresh spin on exercise

Put The Kettle On

Drink more tea to warm up for the cooler temperatures. Green tea and black tea contain antioxidants that help ward off diseases so you can remain healthy and active as the season shifts into winter.

So whatever your goal, loosing weight or keeping fit and healthy there really is no excuse to be inactive this season.

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Conscious Cooking

Cook Books available on amazon

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