Covid-19 Retreat Safety Protocol

Our mission here at The Body Retreat has always been to support women improve their health and wellness.  Now more than ever as we start our journey to Post Covid-19 retreat life 

Keeping our retreaters and team safe and healthy while on retreat is of paramount importance to us as we begin to plan a cautious re-opening of The Body Retreat.  

We have been planning measures to safeguard your health and wellbeing by adhering to the highest standards of  protective measures that will re-inforce not detract from your retreat experience.

We are introducing a series of special measures on Retreat to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19

  • Retreat occupancy has been reduced to a maximum of 5 retreaters per retreat.
  • Retreaters and team members will be asked to confirm that they have no symptoms of Covid-19 nor have they come into contact with anyone who has experienced symptoms.   Retreaters will be asked to complete a Covid -19 screening questionnaire before we will confirm bookings.
  • Any Retreater or team member who has experienced symptoms at any stage of the pandemic or who has worked in frontline key roles in must provide a PCR / IgM test prior to arrival.
  • We will request that where possible retreaters arrive at The Body Retreat by private transport only. 
  • We have heat sensitive thermometer to detect temperature for both retreater and team arrivals.
  • Every Retreater will be issued with both a personal Health Kit of face mask and disinfectant hand sanitiser and a Equipment Kit of dumbbells, yoga mat, boxing gloves etc which will be sole use during the retreat.
  • Disinfectant hand gel will be available in all communal areas.
  • Enhanced hygiene and cleaning procedures, which will include daily disinfecting of possible infection sources like door handles, light switch, banister, chairs etc 
  • We will introduce a social distancing protocol for both retreaters and team members, this will include rotation of movement and shifts for meal service and certain activities. 
  • We will endeavour to offer only outdoor exercise where appropriate.
  • We will be restricting our current spa treatment menu to reduce contact time with therapists.  Furthermore all therapist will have completed Covid-19 training and wear PPE during treatments.

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We understand that choosing to join us at The Body Retreat is not an impulse investment and that many women have questions or even concerns about if we are the right partner for them.  So we are more than happy to jump on a quick call and answer any questions you may have.

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