Green Tea

Its Summer!!!  The temperatures outside are really starting to heat up.

Its important to keep hydrated and cool to keep your energy levels stable.  Every cell in our body needs water to function properly and if you neglect your hydration levels you will start to feel sluggish, develop headaches, brain fog and of course your won’t have the energy to work out and be active this summer.  There are many ways to keep your hydration levels up you can drink plenty of water and eat foods that have a high water content like salad veg and fruits.   But your appetite can take a dip when the heat is on and it can be a bit boring to drink gallons of flat water and of course most soft drinks contain up to 13 teaspoons of sugar or worse are crammed with artificial sweeteners and other “stuff”.

At The Body Retreat when the temperatures rise we often rustle up a healthy refresher for the ladies.  This is one of our favourites.  Its is such an easy healthy recipe to make and once you taste it you will not be rushing back to the soft drink aisle.

The mix of green tea and citrus fruits makes for a drink that is a real powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamins and most importantly it tastes great!

Citrus Green Tea Refresher

Makes about 500mls Cordial

1 Organic Green Tea Bag

2 Un-waxed Lemons

3 Un-waxed Limes

1 tbsp Honey

1 large spring fresh Mint

Firstly, place your teabag into a mug or jug and cover with about 300 mls freshly boiled water and leave to soak for at least 20 minutes.

Meanwhile roughly chop up your lemons and limes, keep the skins on, chop the lot then add to a blender, food processor or if you have one a Nutirbullet, along with the mint spring, again stalk and all and then add the honey.

When it’s cooled slightly add the cup of green tea to the lemon lime mix and give a few pulses to blend together.

Pop this mixture into a fridge for at least and hour to all the flavours to really develop.

Next pass the mixture through a sieve and press to get all the juice from your pulpy mix. Now you have the most delicious cordial that you can top up either with flat or sparkling water and some ice to make a healthy refreshing drink.

This cordial will keep covered in the fridge for about a week.

Give it a go and let me know how you get on.  Please feel free to share this recipe by using any of the social media buttons along the side …sharing is caring xx


Conscious Cooking

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One Comment

  1. Carolyn Holland 28 June 2019 at 17:50 - Reply

    Just made a double batch of citrus green tea refresher and going to leave it in the fridge overnight to develop before straining tomorrow. Bring on the hot weather!

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