If you are thinking about attending a women’s weight loss retreat (not just a Body Retreat one), but have a few questions as to whether it will be suitable for you, the following information may help you make your decision.

First of all, note that a “women’s weight loss retreat” will mean different things to different people, no matter whether they are running the camp or attending it! We all have different ideas and expectations, so, do your research first to ensure you find the retreat that is most suitable for you:

  • what sort of events / activities will you be taking part in? Are they a mix of cardio, plus high and low impact exercise to not only burn those calories off, but shape and tone your body too? A variety of exercises and activities will help keep you engaged in what you are doing, so you (should!) enjoy them more;
  • how big are the groups at each retreat? Obviously, the smaller the groups, the more personalised and individual attention you will get – helping you to achieve your goals that much quicker and prevent the likelihood of injury;
  • what sort of diet will you be on? Some retreats will severely restrict your calories or put you on to a liquid only diet. Others, such as ourselves, provide tasty and nutritionally sound meals that provide the foundations to helping you lose weight – and maintain that weight loss;
  • is the focus purely on losing weight, or does the retreat programme include looking at all areas of your health and well-being? For example, our weight loss retreats are designed to help you think about the relationship between your lifestyle, weight, nutrition and health – and creating a balance.

In a sense, that may sound rather old hat. It isn’t revolutionary to suggest that there may be a direct link between what you eat, your weight, your fitness and your overall health – but, you’d be surprised how many women’s weight loss camps do not have the same ethos as we do.

What happens at The body Retreat weight loss camp?

There are a few things that make our retreats different to some others – our groups are small for a personalised service and we have an online support community after the event, where you can talk to other women who have been, or are going on, the same life changing journey as you.

Ours is a holistic approach, an equal balance of exercise, nutrition and behaviour on all our events.

What is a typical day like?

Depending on the type of bootcamp you are attending, a typical day may consist of 8-9 hours of different activities – for example, a variety of toning and cardio activities such as circuits, Nordic walking, kettlebells, pilates, yoga, and boxing etc as well as health, nutrition and well- being workshops.

Many of our venues have a sauna and pool, so you can also have a leisurely swim after sweating out some toxins and warming your achy muscles in a sauna.

We try to get outdoors as much as possible (weather permitting) and show you how you can exercise and get fit without the need for lots of equipment or gym memberships.

And while the other ladies at the weight loss camp will be people just like you, you don’t have to worry about needing your own space. It is up to you as to how sociable you are during your free time. Some of our ladies will go off to their room for a hot bath and to watch the TV while others may sit together and chat over a herbal tea – it’s your choice!

Eat smart and move more!

At The Body Retreat, we believe that the idea that dieting alone won’t deal with weight loss and weight maintenance. It is perfectly possible, for example, to have a near ideal weight, yet still be substantially unfit and as a result, be putting your health at risk.

Our workshops will help you identify just what aspects of your life are influencing your weight and fitness choices. Lifestyle is a generic concept that encompasses a range of factors, all of which are important to understand and take control of if you are to start to improve your body and the way you feel about it.

So, a weight loss camp is more than simply doing exercises and learning about eating the right sort of foodstuffs. It is about establishing mechanisms to empower you to start having more self-confidence and to do things differently in terms of your overall lifestyle.

If this all sounds a little theoretical, then be reassured that at our camps there’s lots of emphasis on fun and practicality! This is about groups of women coming together to participate in sessions that have been designed by women and for women, with the ultimate objective of helping you achieve your goals.

Whatever your age or fitness level, you are likely to find the approach here to be radical, enjoyable and above all beneficial!

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We understand that choosing to join us at The Body Retreat is not an impulse investment and that many women have questions or even concerns about if we are the right partner for them.  So we are more than happy to jump on a quick call and answer any questions you may have.

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